Guide - [GUIDE] All Dungeon Puzzles (2024)

Guide - [GUIDE] All Dungeon Puzzles (1)

The dungeons are a lot of fun, and many have been grinding to explore them.

As many know, the puzzle rooms are great for the extra buffs, so the final fight gets easier.
After playing and watching multiple runs, I've noticed many players are confused on how to efficiently beat the puzzles, and sometimes even lose or give up on them.

In this post I'll be giving basic tips on how to beat all of the puzzles.
Note that not all of the solutions are the same per run, they might be slightly different every time, but the idea stays the same.


There are 2 variations of this room: one room with the chest at the bottom, and one with the chest at the top.
When the chest is at the bottom, you need to kill the blazes with the lowest HP up to the highest HP.
When the chest is at the top, you kill them from highest to lowest.

Simply shoot the blazes in the right order with a bow, without accidentally hitting any of the other blazes.
After killing the final blaze, the chain has a little animation and the chest gets unlocked.

Guide - [GUIDE] All Dungeon Puzzles (2)

Box Moving:

In this puzzle the goal is to reach the chest in the back through a mess of boxes.

These boxes can be moved by clicking the buttons on their sides, which will move them away from where you're standing.
By moving these boxes you have to create a path to the back of the room.

It's highly recommended to prepare a plan before moving any boxes, as it's fairly easy to lock the puzzle by moving them in such a way none of them can be moved anymore, causing you to fail the puzzle.
To plan a solution, you can walk on top of the boxes for an easier overview of the puzzle.

Guide - [GUIDE] All Dungeon Puzzles (3)

There are 6 different levels at the time of writing this.
Find the correct solution and follow the steps in the order of the color diagram below.

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Guide - [GUIDE] All Dungeon Puzzles (5)


The goal of this puzzle is to light up the creeper by spawning beams through him.

Shoot two lamps with your bow to connect them, a beam will spawn and the lamps turn into prismarine.
To remove the beam, simply shoot the prismarine again.

Connect lamps that are opposite of eachother in the room, so the beam will go through the creeper on top of the platform.
There is always a "free" and easy beam if you shoot the lamps right below and above the creeper.

Guide - [GUIDE] All Dungeon Puzzles (6)


This puzzle consists out of a smaller set of challenges, which we will explain further below..
Most of these challenges are significantly easier to beat with 2 players, so make sure to have someone from your group helping you.

Once you have started this puzzle a door opens and you have a limited amount of time to finish it.
So hurry up!

Image coming soon.​

Number Matching
On one of the sides there are a set of gray numbers.
These need to be copied over to the other side.
You do this by clicking the brown numbers until they match those on the other side of the wall.

Image coming soon.​

Pressure Plate Path
In this challenge one of the sides has a floor with a path of clay and the other room has a floor of gold pressure plates.
To finish this challenge, you have to follow the given path over the pressure plates without hitting any of the wrong ones.

Image coming soon.​

Color Gates
This challenge contains a small maze with a few colored gates.
These gates can be opened by walking on the correct colors in the other room.
Get to the other side of the maze to continue to the next challenge.

Image coming soon.​

Mine Screeper
This is like a small mine sweeper puzzle.
One room has a square of blocks and creepers, the other a square of buttons.
Press the buttons that do not contain a creeper.

Image coming soon.​

Arrow Matching
Similar to the Number Matching challenge, you have to copy the gray pattern to the brown wall by clicking them, but instead of numbers it's made out of arrows.

Image coming soon.​

Color Wheel
This is probably the most complicated one of the challenges.

In one of the rooms you can find a set of pillars, which are constantly changing.
Each of these pillars contains a block at the bottom and a color at the top.
The other room has a color wheel similar to slot machines in real life as the colors rotate from top to bottom.

First, check what the 'special' block in the middle row of the color wheel is. This could be melons, sponge, prismarine and more.
Then, in the other room, wait until you see a pillar with this block at the bottom and look at the matching color on top.
The position of the pillar matches with the column in the color wheel.
Wait at the color wheel until the matching color is in the middle row, then press the button beneath.
Do this for each column.

- You see the the middle row has melon blocks, therefore the special block must be melon.
- Wait at the pillars and once the left pillar turns into melon, you see that the color above is red.
- Wait at the color wheel until the left column has a red head in the middle row and click the button.
- Repeat for all other columns.

Image coming soon.​

Ice Walking:

In this puzzle you have to turn all of the ice into packed ice by walking on it.

The puzzle is separated in multiple stages, each one bigger than the previous.
After completing a stage by covering all of its ice, it gets saved and you can continue the next one until you reach the chest.

Make sure not to walk over the same ice block twice, as it will reset the stage.
It's recommended to do all of this while shifting, as the slippery ice can make it hard to stop in time.

At the moment of writing this, each stage has multiple solutions, one of which I have drawn out down below.

Guide - [GUIDE] All Dungeon Puzzles (7)

Stage 1:

Stage 2:

Stage 3:

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Guide - [GUIDE] All Dungeon Puzzles (9)

Guide - [GUIDE] All Dungeon Puzzles (10)


This puzzle is very hard for many players, especially when in the rush during the dungeon run.
It's a small riddle in which you need to find out who is holding the loot.

Many of the riddles look similar, but you need to read them well to make sure you do it right.
The names of the NPC's are random, so I turned them into "Alpha", "Beta" and "Gamma" to reduce the confusion when comparing them with the ingame riddle.

I'll be going through all riddles step by step, but if you find a different one that is not yet here, feel free to post it down below so we can help each other with it.

Guide - [GUIDE] All Dungeon Puzzles (11)

Riddle 1:

[NPC] Alpha: One of us is telling the truth!
[NPC] Beta: They are both telling the truth. The reward isn't in Gamma's chest.
[NPC] Gamma: The reward is not in my chest!

First of all, you may notice rightaway that these can not all be true at the same time.
Especially Alpha's and Beta's statement are clashing, as Alpha claims only one is speaking the truth, and Beta says they both are.

We can simply go through all options and see what we can find out.

Let's assume Alpha is lying:

If Alpha is lying, Beta's statement is wrong. As he claims Alpha was not lying.
Since Beta's first point is wrong, his second message, "The reward isn't in Gamma's chest", is too.
Therefore if Alpha is lying, the reward must be in Gamma's chest.

Let's assume Beta is lying:

If Beta is lying, we know his message "The reward isn't in Gamma's chest" is a lie.
Therefore if Beta is lying, the reward must be in Gamma's chest.

Let's assume Gamma is lying:

If Gamma is lying, him claiming the reward is not in his chest must be a lie too.
Therefore if Gamma is lying, the reward must be in Gamma's chest.

Notice how it doesn't even matter who is lying and who isn't. The outcome is the same no matter what.
In the end, Alpha is lying, Beta is lying and Gamma is also lying.
The reward in this case must be in Gamma's chest.

Riddle 2:

[NPC] Alpha: The reward is not in my chest. They are both lying.
[NPC] Beta: The reward is in my chest!
[NPC] Gamma: The reward isn't in any of our chests.

The first thing you might notice, is that none of them seem to be giving any clues about each other's chest in this example.
This makes it a bit harder to spot the reward right away, but with some simple steps we should be able to figure it out.

Let's look at Gamma first.
He states that the reward isn't in any of the chests, which is obviously not how this puzzle works.
Therefore we are certain that Gamma is lying.

Now we can take a look at Beta.
Beta claims his chest contains the reward.
If this is true, Alpha would be lying too. As he says both Beta and Gamma must be lying.
If Alpha is lying, the first part of his message is a lie too: "The reward is not in my chest."
This would mean he must have the reward in his chest.
We can see that if Beta is speaking the truth, both Beta's and Alpha's chest would have to contain the reward.
This is not how the puzzle works, as there's only 1 reward.
Therefore we know that Beta can not be speaking the truth, and know that the reward is not in his chest.

If we now look at Alpha's message, he says that both Beta and Gamma are lying.
From our previous findings, we know that this is indeed correct: Beta and Gamma are lying.
Therefore, Alpha is speaking the truth and the reward is not in his chest.

Now we know that the reward is not in Alpha's chest and not in Beta's chest.
This leaves the last remaining chest.

In the end, Alpha is telling the truth, Beta is lying and Gamma is also lying.
The reward in this case must be in Gamma's chest.

Riddle 3:

[NPC] Alpha:

My chest doesn't have the reward. At least one of the others is telling the truth!
[NPC] Beta: My chest doesn't have the reward. We are all telling the truth.
[NPC] Gamma: One of the others is lying!

If we assume Alpha is lying, we know that Beta is lying too, as he claims they are all telling the truth.
Now that both Alpha and Beta would be lying, they would both have the chest with the reward too.
This is impossible, therefore Alpha can not be lying.

We could also assume Gamma is lying.
This would mean both Alpha and Beta need to be speaking the truth or be lying.
We know that they can not both be lying, so we need to assume they are both speaking the truth.
However, if Gamma is lying, Beta's statement is incorrect.
This concludes Gamma can not be lying.

We now know that both Gamma and Alpha must be speaking the truth.
According to Gamma there has to be a liar, so this has to be Beta.
This would make Beta's statement incorrect, meaning he has to have the chest.

In the end, Alpha is telling the truth, Beta is lying and Gamma is speaking the truth.
The reward in this case must be in Beta's chest.

Riddle 4:

[NPC] Alpha:

They are both lying, the reward is in my chest!
[NPC] Beta: They are both telling the truth, the reward is in Alpha's chest!
[NPC] Gamma: My chest has the reward and I'm telling the truth!

This one is quite interesting, as Alpha and Beta have statements that clash rightaway.

If Alpha is lying, we know that the reward is not in her chest.
This would make Beta a liar too, as both of his claims would be wrong.
Since Alpha is lying, her first statement forces Gamma to be speaking the truth.
Therefore if Alpha is lying, the reward must be in Gamma's chest.

We can try to look at it from the other perspective: Beta is lying.
If Beta is lying, Alpha's statement is wrong and we get to the same solution as before.

In the end, Alpha is lying, Beta is lying and Gamma is telling the truth.
The reward in this case must be in Gamma's chest.

Riddle 5:

[NPC] Alpha:

We are all telling the truth!
[NPC] Beta: At least one of them is lying, and the reward is not in Gamma's chest!
[NPC] Gamma: Alpha is telling the truth and the reward is in his chest.

You can quickly see that Alpha and Beta's statements can not both be true.
Therefore we know that atleast one of them must be lying, and Alpha's claim is false.
Gamma says Alpha is telling the truth, when we know he can't be.
Since Gamma must be lying too we can see that the reward can not be in Alpha's chest.

Now we can see that Beta's first message is indeed correct, and can know the second statement is too.
As Beta is speaking the truth, we know the reward can not be in Gamma's chest too.
This leaves the last chest to have the reward.

In the end, Alpha is lying, Beta is telling the truth and Gamma is lying.
The reward in this case must be in Beta's chest.

Riddle 6:

[NPC] Alpha:

Both of them are telling the truth. Also, Beta has the reward in their chest!
[NPC] Beta: Gamma is telling the truth.
[NPC] Gamma: My chest has the reward!

To solve this one, we can look at it from another perspective.

If the reward is in Gamma's chest, she is speaking the truth.
Because Beta claims Gamma is telling the truth, she'd be correct too.
Alpha's first statement would be true, but the second part would not be right.
Therefore the reward can not be in Gamma's chest.

If the reward is in Beta's chest, she and Gamma would be wrong.
Although Alpha's second statement would be correct, his first claim would not, as Beta and Gamma would not be telling the truth.
Therefore the reward can not be in Beta's chest.

There is only one chest left in which the reward could be.

In the end, Alpha is lying, Beta is lying and Gamma is also lying.
The reward in this case must be in Alpha's chest.


In this puzzle you have to punch a silverfish to get it underneath the gate in the back. This can be any of the 3 blocks, so it does not have to go through the center.

When you punch the silverfish it will move as far as it can into the direction you are facing, until it hits a block.
This puzzle can be quite confusing, especially when multiple people are trying it at the same time.

It can help if you plan a path from the gate backwards, instead of from the current position of the silverfish.
If you notice yourself getting back to the same location multiple times, try to see if you can figure out a way to escape that loop or get back to the start.

At the moment of writing this, there is only one level which I have drawn out down below.

Guide - [GUIDE] All Dungeon Puzzles (12)

Level 1:
The yellow line is a shortcut, which can only be used if the silverfish has not yet been moved.

Guide - [GUIDE] All Dungeon Puzzles (13)

Teleport Maze:

In the teleport maze your goal is to get to the center room by using teleport pads.
After using a teleport pad, you face towards the teleporter that will take you to the final room. However, this pad is often in a different room.

The best way to quickly finish, is by running to the teleport pad diagonal of the one you used to enter the room.
Keep running diagonal until you spawn facing a teleport pad in the same room.
This teleporter should take you to the center.

Guide - [GUIDE] All Dungeon Puzzles (14)

Tic Tac Toe:

Tic Tac Toe is a game that you can always win or tie, if you play it correctly.
In dungeons, the opponent always has the first turn, so your goal is to block them from winning.

If the opponent starts in the center, choose a corner as your first move.
If the opponent starts in a corner, choose the center as your first move.
After that, simply block off all possibilities of them getting 3 in a row.

For a more detailed explanation use the following guide to guarantee a win/draw:

Guide - [GUIDE] All Dungeon Puzzles (15)


This is a puzzle added in Floor 4, in which you are asked a set of multiple choice questions about the game.
You answer questions by clicking the respective buttons.

When completing this puzzle you are rewarded with a Blessing of Time, which gives much better buffs than the standard blessings.

Below I have listed all of the questions and answers I know of.
If there are any questions missing or an answer needs updating, please send me a message on the Forums or on Discord Guide - [GUIDE] All Dungeon Puzzles (16)

Guide - [GUIDE] All Dungeon Puzzles (17)

In each question I have highlighted key words so they are easier to spot when looking over the list and I have put them into a few categories.
Some questions have multiple possible answers, which we will separate with "OR".

Dungeon Boss Statuses

  1. Q: What is the status of The Watcher?
    A: Stalker
  2. Q: What is the status of Bonzo?
    A: New Necromancer
  3. Q: What is the status of Scarf?
    A: Apprentice Necromancer
  4. Q: What is the status of The Professor?
    A: Professor
  5. Q: What is the status of Thorn?
    A: Shaman Necromancer
  6. Q: What is the status of Livid?
    A: Master Necromancer
  7. Q: What is the status of Sadan?
    A: Necromancer Lord
  8. Q: What is the status of Maxor?
    A: Young Wither
  9. Q: What is the status of Goldor?
    A: Wither Soldier
  10. Q: What is the status of Storm?
    A: Elementalist
  11. Q: What is the status of Necron?
    A: Wither Lord

    Fairy Souls

  12. Q: How many total Fairy Souls are there?
    A: 222 Fairy Souls
  13. Q: How many Fairy Souls are there in Spider's Den?
    A: 19
  14. Q: How many Fairy Souls are there in The End?
    A: 12
  15. Q: How many Fairy Souls are there in The Barn?
    A: 7
  16. Q: How many Fairy Souls are there in Mushroom Desert?
    A: 8
  17. Q: How many Fairy Souls are there in Blazing Fortress?
    A: 19
  18. Q: How many Fairy Souls are there in The Park?
    A: 11
  19. Q: How many Fairy Souls are there in Jerry's Workshop?
    A: 5
  20. Q: How many Fairy Souls are there in The Hub?
    A: 79
  21. Q: How many Fairy Souls are there in Deep Caverns?
    A: 21
  22. Q: How many Fairy Souls are there in Gold Mine?
    A: 12
  23. Q: How many Fairy Souls are there in Dungeon Hub?
    A: 7
  24. Q: How many Fairy Souls are there in Dwarven Mines?


  25. Q: Which brother is on the Spider's Den?
  26. Q: What is the name of Rick's brother?
  27. Q: What is the name of the Painter in the Hub?
  28. Q: What is the name of the person that upgrades pets?
  29. Q: What is the name of the lady of the Nether?
  30. Q: Which villager in the Village gives you a Rogue Sword?


  31. Q: How many unique minions are there?
  32. Q: Which of these enemies does not spawn in the Spider's Den?
    Zombie Spider OR Cave Spider OR Broodfather
  33. Q: Which of these monsters only spawns at night?
    Zombie Villager OR Ghast
  34. Q: Which of these is not a dragon in The End?
    Zoomer Dragon OR Weak Dragon OR Stonk Dragon OR Holy Dragon OR Boomer Dragon OR Stable Dragon


The goal of this puzzle is to get the walls at the bottom to open up, by leading water to the corresponding colors.
Flick levers to toggle the blocks on the board to let water flow the correct paths.

The easiest way to solve this, is by taking down a wall one at a time.
Toggle the levers such that the water can only get to the 1 color you want it to go to.

It's sometimes useful to let water flow over a block before opening it up, so it can flow both sideways and downwards.

When you managed to open up the walls, be sure to quickly get the reward and run back out again.
Sometimes it takes time for the walls to update, and they might close up behind you and lock you in.

Guide - [GUIDE] All Dungeon Puzzles (18)

If more puzzles are added or any of the solutions change, I will try to keep this post up to date.
Any ideas, suggestions or mistakes can be pointed out so I can edit the post.

Hope it helps some of you.

Other Useful Dungeon Guides:

  • All In One Dungeons Guide (WIP) by @Gladionus, Guide for the basics of dungeons.
  • [GUIDE] The Catacombs (may include spoilers) (WIP) by @ReignPL, Guide for the Catacombs Dungeon.
  • [Guide] New Dungeon Ultimate Enchants! by @Giopav012, Guide for all the Ultimate Enchants added with Dungeons.
  • HOW TO SOLVE EVERY PUZZLE IN DUNGEONS - [Hypixel Skyblock] by @HellCastle & @FurryEBoy, Puzzle Guide in video form.
  • All of Trap Rooms and Puzzles Dungeons by @PeanutbutterKong, An updated Puzzle Guide video including Danger Rooms.
  • Dungeon Secret Guide Discord:, List of the secrets found in Dungeon Rooms.


  • @doej134567, Riddles 3, 4 and 5.
  • @Shikku, Riddle 6.
  • @Trickr, Some Ice Walking solutions.
  • @Quk_, Level 1 solution of Silverfish.
  • @skydoesfor, Lots of the answers in the Trivia puzzle.
  • @Rebeii, Main puzzle images.
  • @UltimateITA, Level 2 solution of Box Moving.
Guide - [GUIDE] All Dungeon Puzzles (2024)


How do you make a good dungeon puzzle? ›

Here's a list of things I try to look for when designing a puzzle:
  1. Cooperative: Players need to work together to solve the puzzle.
  2. Flow: The puzzle has many easy steps that each give a feeling of success and progression.
  3. Danger: Solving the puzzle could involve some danger.
Oct 12, 2023

How to solve teleport maze skyblock? ›

Teleport Maze

The best way to finish quickly, is by running to the teleport pad diagonal of the one you used to enter the room. Keep running diagonal until you spawn facing a teleport pad in the same room. This teleporter should take you to the center.

Is there a trick to puzzles? ›

Turn all the pieces up the right way

By turning the pieces all to face upwards, you'll be able to see the image clearly and it will save time having to go through each piece individually. It is also easier to look at pieces and see if they match colours or patterns and be able to sort them together (see tip number 4!).

How do you make a good dungeon layout? ›

A few tricks I've picked up over the years:
  1. Dungeons should be small. Unless your players specifically like long grindy dungeon crawls, a dungeon should be just big enough to cover in a single session. ...
  2. Loops, not branches. ...
  3. I actually don't lay out my rooms on a map. ...
  4. Look up 5 Room Dungeon, if you haven't already.
Jan 27, 2018

How to do creeper puzzle dungeons? ›

Players must get four different beams to pass through the creeper in the middle to complete the room. Three of the five doors to the chest are closed. By making water flow into the hole with the corresponding color on the water maze, players can toggle the doors open and closed.

How do you solve a maze every time? ›

To do it, place one hand on the wall of the maze as you go in, and keep it there. Each time you come to a junction, keep following the wall – if there is an opening on the side you are touching, take it; otherwise go straight. If you hit a dead end, turn around and carry on.

What is the higher or lower dungeon puzzle? ›

Higher or Lower

If the treasure chest is located at the top of the room, the Player must kill the blazes in descending order, starting with the highest health and ending with the lowest health. Killing an incorrect blaze in the wrong order will result in the failure of the puzzle.

How do you play the undead puzzle? ›

Fill in every grid square which doesn't contain a mirror with either a ghost, a vampire, or a zombie. The numbers round the grid edges show how many monsters must be visible along your line of sight if you look directly into the grid from that position, along a row or column.

What makes a good quality puzzle? ›

Image clarity and resolution is a significant factor when it comes to quality jigsaw puzzles. Working on a puzzle with pictures that utilize a high-resolution image will significantly increase the quality of the puzzle. A low-resolution image on a puzzle will make the picture appear grainy or distorted.

How do you make a good puzzle level? ›

There are several elements that you'll need to consider when designing a puzzle game.
  1. Decide on the difficulty level.
  2. Decide on what type of puzzles you want to include.
  3. Decide what type of feedback to give to the player.
  4. Think about player progression through the puzzles.
  5. Consider the game aesthetic.

How can I improve my puzzle? ›

EXPERT TIP: Work on a small section at a time instead of trying to place pieces throughout the puzzle. Starting with an area that has a pattern or wording and working your way out, work your way toward the edge of the puzzle. If you get stuck, start on a new section.

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Author: Stevie Stamm

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Reviews: 91% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Stevie Stamm

Birthday: 1996-06-22

Address: Apt. 419 4200 Sipes Estate, East Delmerview, WY 05617

Phone: +342332224300

Job: Future Advertising Analyst

Hobby: Leather crafting, Puzzles, Leather crafting, scrapbook, Urban exploration, Cabaret, Skateboarding

Introduction: My name is Stevie Stamm, I am a colorful, sparkling, splendid, vast, open, hilarious, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.