Things I’m Loving Friday #48 - Peanut Butter Fingers (2024)

by Julie 68 Comments

We’re officially living in the land of boxes!

Everything is all packaged up and today will be dedicated to loading boxes onto the moving truck and cleaning our rental house before we officially wave goodbye to Ocala tonight. It will be a loooong day but a low key dinner with my parents, Leslie and Ross awaits us and I could not be more thrilled. Hooray for family time!

Knowing that Ryan and I have a full weekend with my family ahead of us is obviously the thing that is making me smile the most this week (followed closely by the fact that half of our big move will be over!), but there are a few other things I’m loving this week that I wanted to share with you guys in keeping with the Things I’m Loving Friday tradition we have going around here.

As always, please feel free to play along in the comments section of this post!

Things I’m Loving Friday

How great is this!? Kendra Nyberg, a bioengineering grad student, and Tessa Arias, a chef and cookbook author, teamed up to figure out how to make the perfect chocolate chip cookie… depending on your personal taste! Whether you like a fluffy, chewy or crunchy cookie, their tips will help you make the best chocolate chip cookie for you. I’m not one to play favorites and would happily eat any of the cookies above. Cookie monster!

Last year I lost my large water bottle at IDEAWorld and, go figure, I lost my replacement water bottle at IDEAWorld this year. Apparently IDEAWorld is the fitness conference that water bottles go to die. Once I made it home from California, I placed an order for a new 32-ounce Nalgene water bottle on Amazon, but this time made sure to get one with a more narrow mouth because I felt like the wide mouth of my other water bottle made me drip water down my chest a little too often when I’d try to take a sip during a workout on a cardio machine. The narrow mouth on my new water bottle is much more workout-friendly!

  • Pipsqueak the Goat

This video is one of the most adorable videos I’ve seen in weeks. Pipsqueak is one heck of an enthusiastic little goat and watching her hop all over the place with zero coordination or self-control is way too cute. I hope it makes you smile!

  • Starbucks Vegetable Fontiago Sandwich + Bumping Into Former Coworkers

Apparently Starbucks is the place to run into former coworkers! Ryan and I have been in Ocala for less than 48 hours and I’ve somehow managed to run into two of my coworkers from the gym at Starbucks this morning. Hearing updates about the gym where I used to work is always interesting (they’re undergoing a huge expansion!) and it makes me miss my clients and classes. Meeeemories! Oh, and I think I’ve mentioned this sandwich on the blog before, but Starbucks’ vegetable fontiago sandwich is so, so good. It tastes like egg pizza (and I mean that in a good way). You know I adore my spinach feta wraps, but this is a great breakfast sandwich that I’ll order whenever the craving hits.

I was first introduced to these wipes on my trip to San Francisco with Stitch Fix in June and now keep a pack in my car for a quick way to wipe down post-workout sweat or dirt from a hike through the woods. They’re refreshing and do a great job of removing dirt, sweat and make up. I’ve tried a variety of the wipes and the blueberry, grapefruit and cucumber wipes are my favorites.

Suja juice is so delicious but it comes with a pretty hefty price tag. Ryan and I both love it though, so we’ll splurge and pick up a bottle every once in a while. I was pretty pumped when I popped into the grocery store yesterday and saw the juice was BOGO at Publix! Sweet!

  • PTV Smoothies and Juices Recipe Book Giveaway Winner

Congratulations to Jessica: “My family loves when I make my creamsicle smoothie with almond milk, peaches and orange juice!”

Jessica was emailed first thing this morning. Thanks to all who entered!

  • Labor Day Sales

There are some pretty great Labor Day sales going on this weekend. Here are a few highlights I found that I thought might interest you guys:

Question of the Day

  • Tell me about one thing that made you smile this week!
Things I’m Loving Friday #48 - Peanut Butter Fingers (2024)
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Name: Manual Maggio

Birthday: 1998-01-20

Address: 359 Kelvin Stream, Lake Eldonview, MT 33517-1242

Phone: +577037762465

Job: Product Hospitality Supervisor

Hobby: Gardening, Web surfing, Video gaming, Amateur radio, Flag Football, Reading, Table tennis

Introduction: My name is Manual Maggio, I am a thankful, tender, adventurous, delightful, fantastic, proud, graceful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.