Research Guides: VTCSOM Phase 1 Resources: E-Books from Virginia Tech (2024)

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  • Adams and Victor's Principles of Neurology, Twelfth Edition by Allan H. Ropper; Martin A. Samuels; Joshua P. Klein; Sashank Prasad

    ISBN: 9781264264520

    Publication Date: 2023-05-11

    The definitive text on the full spectrum of neurology-50th Anniversary Edition! For 50 years the field's gold-standard text, Adams and Victor's Principles of Neurology provides up to date treatment and management strategies needed to confidently handle both common and rare neurologic conditions. Presented in full color, this enduring resource meets the needs of today's aspiring clinician or seasoned professional, and has been hailed as the most detailed, thorough, and authoritative text on the subject.

  • Basic and Clinical Pharmacology 15e by Bertram G. Katzung; Anthony J. Trevor

    ISBN: 9781260452310

    Publication Date: 2020-12-05

    Master key pharmacological concepts and practices with the most comprehensive, authoritative guide available Presented in full-color and packed with hundreds of illustrations, Basic and Clinical Pharmacology is the wide-ranging, engaging guide students have counted on for decades. Organized to reflect the course sequence in many pharmacology courses and in integrated curricula, the guide covers the important concepts students need to know about the science of pharmacology and its application to clinical practice.

  • Research Guides: VTCSOM Phase 1 Resources: E-Books from Virginia Tech (3)Cardiovascular Pathophysiology for Pre-Clinical Students by Andrew Binks; Kindred Grey (Illustrator)

    ISBN: 9781957213040

    Publication Date: 2022-07-15

    Cardiovascular Pathophysiology for Pre-Clinical Students, is an undergraduate medical-level resource for foundational knowledge of common cardiovascular diseases, disorders and pathologies. This text is designed for a course pre-clinical undergraduate medical curriculum and it is aligned to USMLE(r) (United States Medical Licensing Examination) content guidelines. The text is meant to provide the essential information from these content areas in a concise format that would allow learner preparation to engage in an active classroom.

  • Research Guides: VTCSOM Phase 1 Resources: E-Books from Virginia Tech (4)Cell Biology, Genetics, and Biochemistry for Pre-Clinical Students by Renee LeClair; Kindred Grey (Illustrator)

    ISBN: 9781949373417

    Publication Date: 2021-06-01

    Cell Biology, Genetics, and Biochemistry for Pre-Clinical Students is an undergraduate medical-level resource for foundational knowledge across the disciplines of genetics, cell biology and biochemistry. This USMLE-aligned text is designed for a course in first-year undergraduate medical course that is delivered typically before students start to explore systems physiology and pathophysiology. The text is meant to provide the essential information from these content areas in a concise format that would allow learner preparation to engage in an active classroom.

  • Research Guides: VTCSOM Phase 1 Resources: E-Books from Virginia Tech (5)Cram Session in Functional Neuroanatomy by Michael F. Nolan

    ISBN: 9781617110092

    Publication Date: 2012-02-15

    When all you need is a basic understanding of the human nervous system, look to Cram Session in Functional Neuroanatomy: A Handbook for Students & Clinicians. This handbook gives you basic information in a readily accessible format, as well as more detailed concepts that will allow you to better understand not only how the human nervous system works, but how injuries and disease affect experience and behavior, including cognitive and intellectual functions.

  • Harrison's Principles of Internal Medicine, Twenty-First Edition (Vol. 1 & Vol. 2) by Joseph Loscalzo; Anthony S. Fauci; Dennis L. Kasper; Stephen Hauser; Dan Longo; J. Larry Jameson

    ISBN: 9781264268504

    Publication Date: 2022-03-28

    Harrison's Principles of Internal Medicine is the world's most trusted clinical medicine text--and a superb resource for learning the art and science of clinical reasoning. Recognized by healthcare professionals worldwide as the leading authority on applied pathophysiology and clinical medicine, Harrison's Principles of Internal Medicine provides the informational foundation you need for the best patient care possible.

  • Levinson's Review of Medical Microbiology and Immunology: a Guide to Clinical Infectious Disease, Eighteenth Edition by Peter Chin-Hong; Elizabeth A. Joyce; Manjiree Karandikar; Mehrdad Matloubian; Luis Alberto Rubio; Brian S. Schwartz; Warren E. Levinson

    ISBN: 9781265126001

    Publication Date: 2024-02-14

    Ace your medical courses and pass the Boards with the most up-to-date review of medical microbiology and immunology! This trusted, popular guide provides a high-yield review of the most important aspects of microbiology and immunology in a concise yet comprehensive style. Levinson's Review of Medical Microbiology and Immunology covers both basic and clinical aspects of bacteriology, virology, mycology, parasitology, and immunology. Important infectious diseases are discussed using an organ system approach.

  • Research Guides: VTCSOM Phase 1 Resources: E-Books from Virginia Tech (8)Neuroscience for Pre-Clinical Students by Renee LeClair

    ISBN: 9781949373844

    Publication Date: 2022-07-01

    Neuroscience for Pre-Clinical Students covers neuroenergetics, neurotransmitters, neuropeptides, and selected amino acid metabolism and degradation. This USMLE-aligned text is designed for a first-year undergraduate medical course and is meant to provide the essential biochemical information from these content areas in a concise format to enable students to engage in an active classroom. Hence, it does not cover neurophysiology and neuroanatomy; and clinical correlates and additional application of content are intended to be provided in the classroom experience.

  • The Patient History: Evidence-Based Approach by Mark Henderson; Lawrence M. Tierney; Gerald W. Smetana

    ISBN: 9780071624947

    Publication Date: 2012-07-04

    The definitive evidence-based introduction to patient history-taking. For medical students and other health professions students, an accurate differential diagnosis starts with The Patient History. The ideal companion to major textbooks on the physical examination, this trusted guide is widely acclaimed for its skill-building, and evidence based approach to the medical history.

  • Research Guides: VTCSOM Phase 1 Resources: E-Books from Virginia Tech (10)Pulmonary Pathophysiology for Pre-Clinical Students by Binks Andrew; Kindred Grey (Illustrator)

    ISBN: 9781957213095

    Publication Date: 2022-06-15

    Pulmonary Pathophysiology for Pre-Clinical Students is an undergraduate medical-level resource for foundational knowledge of pulmonary pathophysiology. This text is designed for a course pre-clinical undergraduate medical curriculum and it is aligned to USMLE(r) (United States Medical Licensing Examination) content guidelines. The text is meant to provide the essential information from these content areas in a concise format that would allow learner preparation to engage in an active classroom. Clinical correlates and additional application of content is intended to be provided in the classroom experience.

  • Rapid Interpretation of EKG's by Dale Dubin

    ISBN: 9780912912066

    Publication Date: 2000-10-01

    The reader's rapid assimilation of medical concepts is the key to the continuing success of this best-selling book. A caption explains the concept illustrated on each page, and a few simple sentences reinforce the concept with interactive (programmed) learning, which links to the following page. Dr Dubin's light and entertaining style, known world-wide, makes learning enjoyable. Practice twelve-lead tracings at the end establish self-confidence, and summarised reference sheets with examples (designed to be copied) provide an excellent review. Most recently updated in February 2006.

Research Guides: VTCSOM Phase 1 Resources: E-Books from Virginia Tech (2024)
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Name: Dong Thiel

Birthday: 2001-07-14

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Job: Design Planner

Hobby: Graffiti, Foreign language learning, Gambling, Metalworking, Rowing, Sculling, Sewing

Introduction: My name is Dong Thiel, I am a brainy, happy, tasty, lively, splendid, talented, cooperative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.